„…Dla ludzi, którzy są naprawdę utalentowani, to, czego nie mówisz, staje się niezwykle ważne. Musisz ocenić, co powiedzieć, a co zostawić w spokoju, aby pozwolić talentowi się rozwijać…” – Itzhak Perlman.
Itzhak Perlman, Jicchak Perlman ((hebr.) יצחק פרלמן, ur. 31 sierpnia 1945 w Tel Awiwie) – skrzypek mieszkający w Nowym Jorku, syn imigrantów do Palestyny z przedwojennej Polski, odznaczony Prezydenckim Medalem Wolności i Narodowym Medalem Sztuk.

W wieku czterech lat odkryto u niego chorobę Heinego-Medina. Studiował w Juilliard School of Music u pedagoga Ivana Galamiana i jego asystentki Dorothy DeLay. Zadebiutował w 1963 w Carnegie Hall w Nowym Jorku, gdzie wykonywał I Koncert skrzypcowy H.Wieniawskiego. W 1964 został laureatem 1. nagrody na Konkursie im. Leventritta. W 1978 otrzymał nagrodę krytyków płytowych za nagranie kompletu sonat skrzypcowych Ludwiga van Beethovena z Władimirem Aszkenazim. Wiosną 1990 odbył tournée w ZSRR. W 1994 grał koncerty z Izraelską Orkiestrą Filharmoniczną w Chinach i Indiach. W 1996 otrzymał złoty medal The Royal Philharmonic Society’s.
Dyskografia m.in.: 2002 Classic Perlman: Rhapsody; 2001 Classic Yo-Yo; 1999 John Williams Greatest Hits; 1969-1999 1999 Cinema Serenade 2; 1997 Cinema Serenade; 1995 Bach: Violin Concertos; Double Concerto; more 1994 Dvorák In Prague: A Celebration; 1992 Brahms: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D, Op. 77 (with Berliner Philharmoniker - conductor Daniel Barenboim); 1990 Brahms: The 3 Violin Sonatas; 1989 The Italian Album; 1987 Bach: Double Concerto; Violin Concertos Nos.1 & 2 1987 Paganini & Giuliani: Duos for Violin and Guitar; 1986 Sarasate: Carmen Fantasy, Chausson: Poeme, Saint-Saëns: Havanaise, Introduction & Rondo Capriccioso, Ravel: Tzigane (with N.Y. Philharmonic, Zubin Mehta) (DG); 1985 An Isaac Stern Vivaldi Gala; 1984 Chausson: Violin Concerto; Piano and String Quartet; 1983 Isaac Stern: 60th Anniversary Celebration 1981 It’s a Breeze (Angel/EMI); 1972 Wieniawski: Violin Concertos (with London Philharmonic Orch., Seiji Ozawa) (EMI).
Filmografia m.in.: 1999: Fantazja; 2000 (Fantasia 2000) jako on sam; 1999: Koncert na 50 serc (Music of the Heart) jako on sam; 1996: Wszyscy mówią: kocham cię (Everyone Says I Love You) jako on sam; 1994: All-Star 25th Birthday: Stars and Street Forever! jako on sam; 1988: Sesame Street Special jako on sam; 1969: Ulica Sezamkowa(Sesame Street) jako on sam.

„…Smyczkom małych orkiestr kameralnych mówię: „Zawsze łatwo jest zostać pasażerem w podróży w dźwięku, dodając po prostu całości głośności. Ale jeśli grasz w sposób indywidualny, robi to różnicę między dobrym a świetnym dźwiękiem w orkiestrze…” – Itzhak Perlman.
„…Pierwszy raz spotkałem i fotografowałem Itzhaka Perlmana w Nowym Jorku w listopadzie 1984 r. Zawsze wzbudzały sensację skrzypce Stradivariusa na których grał Perlmana, a których cena to ponad 15 mln dolarów. Oprócz Stradivariusa Perlman ma również skrzypce Guarneri. Ale jeśli wrócimy do samego Perlmana, to trzaba powiedzieć, że to niezwykle skromny człowiek, jak wie się, że m.in. zdobył 16 Grammy Awards…” -Czesław Czapliński.

“…I met and photographed Itzhak Perlman for the first time in New York in November 1984. The Stradivarius violin played by Perlman, whose price is over $15 million, has always been a sensation. In addition to his Stradivarius, Perlman also has a Guarneri violin. But if we return to Perlman himself, we must say that he is an extremely modest man, as we know, among others, won 16 Grammy Awards…” – Czesław Czapliński.
“…For people who are really talented, what you don't say becomes extremely important. You have to judge what to say and what to leave alone so you can let the talent develop…” – Itzhak Perlman.

PORTRAIT with HISTORY – Itzhak Perlman (Hebrew: יִצְחָק פרלמן; born August 31, 1945) is an Israeli-American violinist.
Perlman was born in Tel Aviv which, three years later, became part of the state of Israel. When he was small he listened to the violin on the radio and decided he wanted to play it. He studied at the Academy of Music in Tel Aviv. Then he moved to the United States to study at the Juilliard School with Ivan Galamian and Dorothy DeLay. He made his first public performance at Carnegie Hall in 1963. In 1964 he won the Leventritt Competition. Soon afterward he began to tour widely. He also appeared on American television in shows including Sesame Street. He was invited to play at the White House.
Perlman had been ill with polio at the age of four. He got better, and managed to learn to walk again with the use of crutches. Today, he still walks with crutches and plays the violin sitting down.

In 1987, he joined the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra for their concerts in Warsaw and Budapest, as well as other Eastern bloc countries. He toured with the IPO in the spring of 1990 for their first-ever performance in the USSR, with concerts in Moscow and Leningrad, and toured with the IPO again in 1994, performing in China and India.
Perlman usually plays solos, but he also plays chamber music with other musicians, including Yo-Yo Ma, Jessye Norman and, especially, with Pinchas Zukerman.
Perlman usually plays classical music but sometimes he plays jazz. He made an album made with jazz pianist Oscar Peterson, and klezmer. Perlman has been a soloist for a number of movie scores, including the score of the 1993 film Schindler's List by John Williams.

Perlman plays on a special Stradivarius violin called the Soil Stradivarius, made in 1714. He also plays on a Guarneri del Gesu made about 1743.
In recent years, Perlman has also begun to conduct, taking the post of principal guest conductor at the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.
Perlman has made many recordings and received many great honours.

Perlman performed at Barack Obama's presidential inauguration. He joined cellist Yo-Yo Ma, pianist Gabriela Montero and clarinetist Anthony McGill. Together they played "Air and Simple Gifts", a new arrangement by John Williams based on the Shaker hymn "'Tis A Gift To Be Simple."
Personal life Itzhak Perlman lives in New York City with his wife. They have five children.

He has performed worldwide and throughout the United States, in venues that have included a state dinner for Elizabeth II at the White House in 2007, and at the 2009 inauguration of Barack Obama. He has conducted the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, the Philadelphia Orchestra, and the Westchester Philharmonic. In 2015, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Perlman has won 16 Grammy Awards, including a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, and four Emmy Awards.

“…I say to string players in small chamber orchestras, 'it's always easy to become a passenger on the journey in sound, just adding volume to the whole. But if you play in an individual way, it makes the difference between good and great sound in an orchestra.'…” –
Itzhak Perlman.
